You can contact us via our contact page or by email to

For a more general discussion of requirement, telephone the PCN Webmaster (Dr Robin Kent) or the PCN Chair (Pravin S. Mistry)

Membership fees

The membership fees for PCN are very modest and are due in January of each year. Full details will be provided on application.


Membership of the Plastics Consultancy Network (PCN) is open to consultants operating in all sectors of the polymer industry.

Independent and individual

Membership of the PCN is granted to a named independent and individual consultant. Company membership is not available for the PCN and companies are advised to seek membership of existing trade federations.

Independent consultants may operate as a sole trader, in a partnership or via a Limited Company (or the local equivalent).

Membership is individual and is not transferable in any way. If a current member takes full-time paid employment, then it is expected that they would notify the PCN and resign from membership. This does not include the situation where members act as interim managers or consultants for a specific contract that is time limited.

Trading History
Prospective PCN members must have been trading as independent consultants for a minimum cumulative period of 2 years. This requirement is to restrict membership to consultants who are serious about their work. All members are full time and permanent consultants.

Membership applications must be proposed and seconded by people who have experience of your technical competence. This is preferably by current members of the PCN but please contact the Membership Secretary if in doubt.

All membership applications are approved by the group as a whole.

Academic qualifications
Academic qualifications are not a pre-requisite for membership of PCN. However, prospective members are expected to have substantial industrial achievements and to be capable of proving that they have carried out consultancy work of the required standard before a membership application is approved.


  • PCN membership is a positive statement of your commitment to working as a consultant
  • Regular meetings with like minded consultants can improve your business skills and provide contacts for further business development. We hold approximately 4 meetings per year (generally in London) for which a nominal charge is made only for lunch
  • PCN has a presence at most major trade exhibitions
  • PCN provides the framework for networking with industry colleagues. Where projects require special skills there is a ready made “virtual project team” for you to use

Application Form

Download Application Form

If you would like further information or have any questions please complete the form below

    Use the consultant selector matrix, which lists members by their specialities, and read the description provided by each consultant, for further details

    The PCN is a network of independent consultants, who each have their own Fee structure.

    Typically, the Fee varies according to the length and complexity of the engagement.

    A number of the PCN members have experience of being expert witnesses.

    It is possible to put together a project team with a number of consultants with complementary expertise.

    There are a number of technical papers in PDF format on a range of topics that are available for download here.

    PCN Consultants have resided in Switzerland, Saudi Arabia, the USA, New Zealand, Australia, Germany, Italy and France