The Plastics Consultancy Network (PCN) is a professional network of some of the most experienced independent polymer (plastics, rubber, polyurethanes, composites and adhesives) consultants in the world. 

Now may be the time to call in these experts to help you achieve your business goals during this difficult period.

Established in 1988, the Plastics Consultancy Network has been serving the global polymer industry for over 36 years.

Every PCN Consultant is an independent, highly-qualified and experienced polymer consultant, considered an expert in their field.

All PCN members have a proven track record in polymer consultancy, and can bring their decades of experience to your company, at a fraction of the cost of hiring internal resources.

In times of difficult trading conditions, improving efficiency, increasing margins, and reducing downtime are more vital than ever.

PCN’s focus on the polymer sector involves sharing the knowledge and information generated from many years of experience in all areas of the polymer businesses.

PCN’s commitment is to help clients find effective solutions, actively, quickly, creatively, and at minimal cost.

Consultants form a vital part of any management team, a valuable resource that can be used whenever required.

Without the significant overhead cost of full-time staff, they are a variable and controllable cost, used only when required.

The PCN operates in the UK, Europe, North America, the Middle East and Asia.

There are voluntary positions within the PCN, elected by the Membership.

The PCN organisation is:

Chair Pravin S. Mistry

Secretary Jeremy Pingstone

Treasurer Eddie Sheridan

Webmaster Dr Robin Kent

Membership John Gearing

Social Media / Linkedin Christina Larsen