Primary Skills
Other Skills
What we do
- Brainstorming, idea conceptualisation
- New product development
- Advise on New-product design and development (Injection moulding – DFM)
- Material selection
- Moldex 3D analysis
- Tool specification (for efficiency and cost effectiveness)
- New and existing tool design/development review
- Process optimisation
- Light weighting
- Application advice and trials for SaFoam™ chemical foaming agents
- Energy monitoring, energy saving – optimisation.
- Efficiency and profitability studies
- Toolmaker selection
- Machinery selection
- Manufacturing cell advice/ development
- Project management
Personal Profile

To “Innovate” : “Make changes in something established, especially by introducing new methods, ideas or products.”
Over the 40 years I have worked in the Polymer industry, I’ve had the privilege of working with many great people across much of the world. My rolls were as diverse as Technician to Technical Manager, and in application, from R&D through to specifying and project managing production cells to make 30-50 million parts per annum.
In all the different applications and intriguing challenges, the thing that keeps it interesting is getting to the root cause of problems and creating innovative solutions, raising the customer and their products to new capabilities.
Whether taking a design concept through development to a medical device launch; or designing a solution to a metal replacement product achieving technical capability and economic viability, success is in adding value.
The diversity of materials, additives, and technology available to us continue to advance and see polymers excel and create new opportunities.
In a recent case study, an existing product was physically improved, lightweighted by 13%, cycle time improvement of 20%, energy saving of 20.8%, with other areas of the process still to be further optimised.
The keys to success are challenging the “norm” and analysis.
“Prove all things and hold fast to that which is good” 1Thessalonians 5:21